The XL830 dual beam is a single platform for high-resolution electron and ion imaging and can be used to perform site specific milling or platinum deposition. The electron beam allows observation of surface features to 4nm resolution. The focused gallium ion-beam removes material to accomplish device editing, fabrication, or sublayer observation. A stationary microprobe is used for lift-out of milled TEM lamella from wafer substrates. Additional enhanced Si/SiOx etch beam chemistry can achieve higher milling rates. Equipped with a Through-Lens Detector (TLD) and immersion lens, Continuous Dynode Electron Multiplier (CDEM) for secondary electron/ion imaging and segmented scanning-transmission electron detector (sTEM).
An integrated Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS) from Oxford allows elemental analysis and mapping. Standard EDS operating modes include element semi-quantification, line scans, and 2D elemental mapping. Advanced features include element deconvolution and "quantitative" maps and linescans.
The load lock can accommodate full 8"³ wafers, wafer fragments, or pin-mount stubs and allows sample transfer time of <2min. Maximum sample height is limited to 8.5mm. An IR CCD camera is available for low-magnification (5x) observation of samples in the vacuum chamber.