The MAF is a state-of-the-art facility on the UW campus offering researchers a variety of resources to characterize novel materials, systems, and devices. Our resources are available to all qualified users affiliated with the University of Washington, other educational institutions, and private industry. Most of our users are trained by experienced staff to independently perform their own experiments, but if you need an especially sensitive instrument or only have several samples, it may be more efficient to have a staff member run the experiment for you. Prospective users are encouraged to contact us about your research needs before starting the registration process.
To begin using the facility, you must first complete the following steps:
Fill Out The Registration Form
All prospective researchers and their PIs/administrators must fill out this form. You will be asked to describe the project and your role in it, provide contact and billing information, and fill out a user agreement form. This will help our staff offer the best assistance possible. During the registration process you will also be required to watch a safety video and pass a safety quiz. Once you finish the registration, an account will be created for you in CORAL, our reservation and billing system.
Registration Form
Request Instrument Training
After you have completed registration, contact the staff member in charge of the instrument you would like to use to set up either a training session (hands-on users) or a time to run your samples (remote/staff-assisted users).
If you are unsure whether instrument training is the best option, or would like help choosing the best instrument for your needs, we invite you to contact our staff directly for consultation. In addition to training, we offer sample preparation and characterization services for clients who, for a variety of reasons, elect not to receive training on how to operate the instrument.