Our research is focused on developing new methods for probing complex biological processes at the single-cell and single-molecule level, and on applying these new techniques for addressing pressing biological problems. Read More
Our lab investigates a wide range of questions concerning self-assembly, complex fluids, and soft matter systems, with a focus on lipid membrane biophysics and origins of life. A recurring research theme in the group is how simple lipid mixtures within bilayer membranes give rise to complex phase behavior. Read More
The Khalil group seeks to understand charge transfer processes in solution at a microscopic level. One of our goals is to correlate electronic and atomic motion on ground and excited electronic surfaces. We use and develop various nonlinear spectroscopies employing ultrafast light pulses across the electromagnetic spectrum from Infrared (8 microns) to X-ray (0.4 nm) wavelengths. Read More
Professor Masiello’s research focuses on the theoretical understanding of a variety of nanoscale light-matter interactions involving the excitation of surface plasmon resonances. Examples include electron energy-loss spectroscopy, cathodoluminescence, thermo-plasmonics, plasmon-enhanced catalysis, and plasmon-enhanced linear and nonlinear molecular optical phenomena. Read More
The Zalatan research group seeks to understand how biological signaling networks are organized at the molecular level to process, integrate, and coordinate signals. We focus on individual reaction steps at key decision points in cell signaling pathways, using a wide range of tools from biochemistry, enzymology, and synthetic biology. This approach allows us to draw connections between molecular events and cellular behaviors, providing a framework to identify new drug targets and to engineer synthetic pathways for cell-based therapeutics and devices. Read More
We harness our understanding of organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, and supramolecular chemistry to design stimuli-responsive materials for life science applications. Our current focus areas include polymer-living cell composite materials (also known living materials) and polymers to create anatomical models for human tissue. Our approach is to utilize the stimuli-responsive behavior of the materials to facilitate their fabrication or patterning. We are an interdisciplinary team of researchers, and our methods include polymer synthesis, rheological characterization, culturing microbes, and 3D printing. Read More
Our group aims to understand and control the enzyme families involved in intracellular signal transduction. The final goal of these studies is to identify new molecular targets for the treatment of human disease. We integrate techniques from organic chemistry, biochemistry, protein engineering, proteomics, and cell biology to develop new tools that provide a greater understanding of diverse signaling processes. Our technological innovations seek to address the limitations of currently existing methods for studying these highly dynamic cellular events. Furthermore, we are using these tools to answer a number of fundamental questions in biology. Read More
The Maibaum Group uses the tools of computational modeling and statistical mechanics to understand mechanisms of biophysical processes and to design novel biomimetic materials. One focus of our work is the emergent spatial organization of cellular membranes and their response to external stimuli such as bending or protein binding. Another recent example is the incorporation of azobenzene groups into DNA, which allows control over DNA hybridization and opens a new route towards designing photo-responsive materials. Read More
Our team addresses the increased interplay between physical organic chemistry and material science that will undoubtedly give rise to the next generation of advanced macromolecules for applications in biomedicine and engineering. Rooted in structure and mechanism, work in the group tackles challenges in macromolecular synthesis across a variety of scales. Some representative goals include the development of novel methods to access cyclic polymers, the development of new approaches towards reconfigurable polymer networks, and the construction of force-responsive soft materials. Students will be trained across organic synthesis and polymer chemistry, with ample opportunity for cross-disciplinary collaboration involving bioengineering and materials science! Read More
As a graduate student in the labs of James Carothers and Jesse Zalatan, Ryan is developing CRISPR-based gene regulation tools to improve our ability to engineer microorganisms for the production of high-value compounds. Ryan holds a B.S. in Bioengineering from Stanford University. Read More