Featuring four floors of lab and office space specifically tailored for research needs, the new Molecular Engineering and Sciences building ended up expanding considerably on the original plans for reconstruction.
The building, home to the UW Molecular Engineering and Sciences Institute (MolES), will open its doors June 25.
The UW initially issued a bond to obtain a total of $78.5 million to fund the building. Construction began in fall 2009, at which point two and a half floors were planned to be left unfinished and completed at a later phase of construction. Read More
A building material that absorbs heat during the day and releases it at night promises to save building owners a bundle of cash when it’s time to pay the monthly electricity bill.
They're called phase-change materials, or PCMs, and scientists have been experimenting with them for decades. Although there have been some efforts to introduce them to construction markets in North America and Europe, they remain largely unknown or ignored. Now though, PCMs are getting a place in the spotlight.
A new building for the molecular engineering department of the University of Washington, in Seattle, has PCMs encapsulated in its wall and ceiling panels. Read More
Phase-change materials that freeze at around room temperature could revolutionize energy storage, cooling things that are too hot and warming them later on.

What if doctors had tools to pinpoint the location of disease inside the body’s cells? What if window panes captured solar energy that could be used to power homes? Molecular engineering, sometimes called molecular manufacturing or molecular systems, is very small-scale construction made possible by advances in chemical synthesis that allows for this new class of nanotechnology.
Engineering custom molecules is a revolutionary change that promises to advance a wide range of fields, and the University of Washington has established a new Molecular Engineering and Science Institute focused on medical and energy applications. Read More

Professor of Chemical Engineering René Overney has been named the Associate Director for Molecular Engineering (MolE) Education for the new Molecular Engineering Institute. Integral in bringing MolE to the University, Overney took the lead in developing the Chemical Engineering Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering Option, a multidisciplinary undergraduate program with MolE-tailored lecture and laboratory courses.
As the first department on campus to offer a MolE Option program, Chemical Engineering is poised to take the lead in MolE's educational efforts, said Overney. "Chemical Engineering is taking the leadership in coordinating and administrating the MolE Option program, and is also highly instrumental in this regard in the initiation phase of a MolE graduate program." Read More
ZGF Architects
Architects’ rendition of the east face of the molecular
engineering building. Meany Hall is visible on the right and
Johnson Hall is reflected in the face of the new building.
University of Washington leaders today officially broke ground on a molecular engineering building.
“It’s incredibly exciting to see the building become a reality,” said Matthew O’Donnell, Frank & Julie Jungers Dean of the College of Engineering. “This will be the first facility in the country dedicated to molecular engineering.” Read More

Molecular engineering is an emerging discipline that is generating excitement and questions. How will it shape UW Engineering? How will it help solve tough problems in energy, health care, and other fields?
Imagine giving doctors the tools to pinpoint the exact location of disease molecules inside your cells. Imagine curing disease by sending safe biologic agents on a direct attack against these targets.
The power to do so is coming through the work of molecular engineers. They are capitalizing on a decade of advances in nanotechnology to design new molecules and systems of molecules that may not exist in nature. Read More