Electrically spun cloth with nanometer-sized fibers show promise as a cheap, versatile platform to simultaneously offer contraception and prevent HIV. New funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will help MolES faculty member Kim Woodrow further test the system's versatility and feasibility.
Congratulations to MolES faculty David Ginger, who was named fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science for 2012. Ginger was honored for advances in the physical chemistry of nanoscale materials relevant to optoelectronics, particularly photovoltaics, and innovation in surface microscopy techniques for probing such materials.
Molecular Engineering & Sciences faculty Suzie Pun (Bioengineering) and David Baker (Biochemistry) were highlighted in the latest UW 360 feature on targeted drug delivery.
Watch the UW360 feature on Targeted Drug Delivery Read More
The series of evening lectures, which are open to the public, kicks off next Tuesday (Oct. 16) in 120 Kane Hall with Launching the Molecular Engineering Revolution. Matthew O'Donnell, dean of the UW's College of Engineering, will describe how molecular engineering is poised to spark a new digital revolution, with implications for biotech, clean energy and other fields. O'Donnell will also discuss the role of the UW's newly established Molecular Engineering & Sciences Institute.
Global health researchers, including MolES faculty member Dan Ratner, are working on cheap systems like a home-based pregnancy test that might work for malaria, diabetes or other diseases. A new chemical technique makes medically interesting molecules stick to regular paper "” a possible route to building such paper-based diagnostics from paper you could buy at an office-supply store.
In this documentary, you'll see how the new molecular engineering & sciences building at the University of Washington will bring together a collection of people "” world class talent in energy delivery and medicine to work together to address some of today's biggest challenges.
A diverse group of UW collaborators seeking to determine whether solar cells from earth-abundant elements can be a sustainable, environmentally low-impact, and profitable form of electricity production were awarded an Sustainable Energy Pathways grant from the National Science Foundation this fall. Led by Rehnberg Chair Professor Hugh Hillhouse the team, which includes Christine Luscombe (MolES/Materials Science & Engineering), Daniel Gamelin (MolES/Chemistry), Alison Cullen (Evans School of Public Affairs), and Xiaodong Xu (Materials Science & Engineering), will explore the use of nanocrystal and molecular inks to develop low-cost, high-efficiency solar cells with a benign environmental impact.
After five years in the planning and construction, the University of Washington this fall opens its new Molecular Engineering & Sciences Building, one of the first facilities in the country dedicated to an emerging area of research.
"We are thrilled to make the UW and Pacific Northwest region a leader in molecular engineering and science," said Matt O'Donnell, dean of the College of Engineering. "This facility is a major step forward that will encourage collaborative, cutting-edge research in biotech and clean tech." Read More
By Jon Silver
September 6, 2012
The 90,000-square-foot space includes research labs, faculty offices and common areas.
Filling your walls with goo may seem like a strange way to cut energy costs, but that’s exactly what the University of Washington did with its new Molecular Engineering and Sciences Building.
The $77 million, five-story building opened over the summer on a site near Drumheller Fountain. It houses the Molecular Engineering and Sciences Institute, which is a center for research on biotechnology and clean technology. Read More
UW’s brave (and bright!) new lab for molecular engineering
A new, $77 million molecular engineering building at the University of Washington is the centerpiece of a new institute that is working to find new ways to cure diseases and create renewable energy.
By Katherine Long, Seattle Times higher education reporter
As a building, the University of Washington’s new molecular engineering lab is interesting in its own right "” designed with cutting-edge features to make it energy efficient, and bright lab spaces with killer views of Mount Rainier and the Olympics. Read More