The UW Molecular Engineering Ph.D. (MolE) Program is hosting a virtual information session featuring students, faculty and staff on October 12th, 4-5PM PST. Students with bachelor's degrees in either engineering or the natural sciences - who are interested in developing innovative molecular"based solutions to pressing grand challenges in a highly interdisciplinary environment - are encouraged to attend.
Five institutions, including MolES, came together to organize a virtual conference on racial inequity in STEM. At the event, students, faculty, and staff shared their perspectives on the barriers facing Black scholars, and inspired participants to take action.
This two-day event brought together students, staff, faculty and leadership from five different academic institutions across the country to share their unique perspectives on the current barriers facing Black scholars in STEM fields with the goal of inspiring and challenging participants to take action to address racial inequities in STEM.

MolES students, faculty, and staff gathered last Saturday to improve information on molecular engineering available on Wikipedia. The group contributed information on the history of the discipline, applications, instruments and methodology. Special thanks to Sawyer Morgan, graduate student in Chemical Engineering, for showing our brand-new editors the ropes!
This was our first Edit-a-Thon but won’t be the last! Anyone is welcome to join us for future sessions, just email us to be notified of the next session. Read More